Thursday, September 24, 2009

Prankmeisters are real... or not

In Junana, Scratchy spent a good deal of time at college working out pranks to gain cred and have fun. In the actual Reed College there is a fine tradition of pranking, one that has the entire city of Portland on edge at times. One of Reed's former prankmeisters, Igor Vamos, joined in the Guerilla Theater of the Absurd, and pranked the campus and the town for years. Now a member of the Yes Men, he continues to bring live theatre into corporate meetings across the planet.
What is the essence of a great prank? It has to be more than a simple joke. A great prank needs to mine the river of absurdity that all forms of the serious create by their posturing. The serious and the absurd are linked at the waist, and the prank flings open the curtain on this fact.

photo credit: oter cc license on flickr

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